The chemistry major requires 11 courses. A grade of at least C- must be obtained in all required courses.

Core courses: The following one-semester courses are required for the chemistry major: CHEM 211L, 212L, 309L, 310, 311L, 312L, 313, 314L, PHYS 231L; and MATH 132.

Electives: one 400-level chemistry course.

Capstone/senior project: The senior exercise for the chemistry major is CHEM 309L.

Senior thesis: A senior thesis requires a substantial amount of laboratory work. Students contemplating writing a thesis should therefore consult with their research advisers in their junior year. A chemistry eepartment thesis application form (available from the chemistry secretary) must be submitted to the chair of the department by the end of the first week of classes of the fall semester of their senior year. Chemistry faculty members will evaluate applications. Students whose thesis applications are approved will enroll in CHEM 498. Senior Thesis Part I for 1 credit in the fall semester of their senior year and participate in the departmental seminar series. Students who enroll in CHEM 498. Senior Thesis Part I in the fall will be required to enroll in CHEM 499. Senior Thesis Part II in the spring.

Writing requirement: The Writing Intensive Part II requirement is fulfilled by one of the following courses: CHEM 309L or CHEM 311L.


AP credit: Students with an AP chemistry exam score of 4 or better will receive one course credit. This credit can be used to fulfill graduation requirements, but it cannot be used to fulfill any chemistry department prerequisite.

Study away: Chemistry or biochemistry majors wishing to study away should plan well in advance of the semester or year they intend to go away. There are a variety of programs available and students should review the information provided by the Office of Study Away and schedule a meeting with Professor Parr, the study away adviser in the chemistry department. In recent years, our majors have studied in Australia and the British Isles.

In addition, students planning to study away who wish to have a course or courses counted toward partial fulfillment of the requirements for the chemistry or biochemistry major must present in writing a complete description of such courses for prior approval by the chair of the department. If approved, credit will be granted only after a satisfactory demonstration of completed work has been presented to the chair of the department. This must include a certified transcript from the institution.

Teaching assistantship: Students wishing to serve as teaching assistants for chemistry courses must complete the appropriate form available from the registrar. All teaching assistantships will be graded on the pass/low pass/fail basis.

Honors: Honors will be awarded to students with a B+ average (3.33 or better) in all courses required for the major. A student must also complete at least one course credit of laboratory research (CHEM 425) approved by the chemistry department and earn a grade of at least B+.

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